Adam Cox
Appears in 31 Episodes
Ephesians: Introduction & Identity in Christ
Adam Cox starts of our Ephesians Home Church Resource for 2025. We explore the Apostle Paul’s praise for the Gospel and prayer for us, the Church, to find our worth si...
John-I am the Way, Truth & Life (Adam Cox)
A teaching unpacking Jesus' famous proclamation, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life" amidst the cultural complexity of our current world and our personal tende...
Easter 2024 - The Blessing of Believing in the in Between (Adam Cox)
The resurrected Jesus promised a unique blessing to all who would trust him through the pilgrimage of life.
Intro to John - The Word Became Flesh (Adam Cox)
God who has always been an eternal family and who made the world through the “Word” in the beginning is now remaking all things into a new creation through the “Word” ...
Part 1: Vision and Ecosystem Framework
The last evening of Navah’s September Re-Sync in 2023. Adam & Juli share vision and Navah ecosystem framework and invite afresh the Navah body to share their dreams an...
Remembering Navah’s Story
(September Resync 2023 | Adam Cox) Adam shares a brief 18 year history of Navah’s journey following Jesus.
Unfolding the Great Commission
(Following Jesus Pathway | Adam Cox) This message invites us to take a fresh look into Jesus' resurrected heart and dream for the world unfolded in the Great Commissio...
(The Kingdom of God | Adam Cox) The greatest secret on earth is continual access to the presence of God with us. All that we long for and need is in Jesus, the wonderf...
Enter the Kingdom Like a Child
(Kingdom of God | Adam Cox) Jesus taught us that the way to enter the kingdom is to 'change and become like little children'. Will we allow the Holy Spirit to teach us...
Easter - The Resurrection Comes Asking Questions
(Easter 2022 | Adam Cox) A short message exploring the questions Jesus asked the disciples after His resurrection and what He may be asking us today.
The Kingdom and Patient Endurance
(The Kingdom of God | Adam Cox)
The Kingdom and the War for our Hearts
(The Kingdom of God | Adam Cox)
Jesus Build Your Church
(Following Jesus Together | Adam Cox) Learning to love the church Jesus loves and renew hope through the hurt we've experienced.
A Life and Death for the Glory of God
(Following Jesus Together | Adam Cox) A life and death for the glory of God looks like Jesus! The man who completely redefined glory. It is a life of love and surrende...
Easter Gathering 2021
(Easter 2021 | Adam Cox)
The Kingdom Before Politics, Pt. 2
(Following Jesus Together | Adam Cox) This teaching is part of the Following Jesus Together Home Church Resource that can be found under the Home Resources tab.
The Kingdom Before Politics, Pt. 1
(Following Jesus Together | Adam Cox) This teaching is part of the Following Jesus Together Home Church Resource that can be found under the Home Resources tab.
The Beauty of Holiness
(Prepare the Way | Adam Cox) A return to holiness is at the heart of every revival. This message takes us on a journey revealing the Holy God (Father, Son and Spirit) ...
Hunger for God
(Prepare the Way | Adam Cox) A teaching describing what hunger sounds like, looks like and how we grow it in our lives.
Prepare for Awakening
(Prepare the Way | Adam Cox) In this message, Adam Cox invites us to prepare for awakening. There is a groan arising from the culture, the church and the Spirit. Reviv...
Royal Priests
(Follow the Cloud | Adam Cox)In Christ, we are royal priests set apart for God and His kingdom purposes. This is a message calling us to awaken to our identity and be ...
Have it All
(Follow the Cloud | Adam Cox) The heart wrenching story of the rich young ruler invites us to ask the vulnerable question, "is there anything that has my heart more th...
Spirit Murmurations
(Follow the Cloud | Adam Cox) This is a message about mundane moments surrendered to a miraculous God, art that's prophesying, wild prayer happenings and a sovereign G...
Friendship with the Father
(Follow the Cloud | Adam Cox) Adam teaches from the life of Jesus and personal stories about building friendship with the Father in the adventure and adversity of life...
Spring Retreat 2019: Family, Fire, Form
(Sunday Morning | Adam Cox) A message of prophetic stories, current happenings and a call to revel in revival as grounded family, filled with the Holy Spirit's fire an...
Spring Retreat 2019: Liminal Space
(Friday Night | Adam Cox) A message inviting us to inhabit the "in between" space where we learn to let go and discover our longing for God alone.
Navah Transition Update
(Follow the Cloud | Adam Cox) A message celebrating our last two years and sharing exciting next steps for the Navah family.
Navah Transition: Follow the Cloud
(Follow the Cloud | Adam Cox, David Blackwell) Sharing the story and practical implications of Navah's transition, and invite the family to fully surrender to follow J...
Ambassadors and Servants
Jesus was surrendered to the Spirit, putting God on display as an Ambassador. He was a King bringing His kingdom through sacrificial love as a Servant. To be baptized ...
Family of Beloved Sons and Daughters
Being baptized in the Father means we are a family of beloved sons and daughters learning to receive delight and respond to discipline in every season.