Adam Chiarelli
Appears in 7 Episodes
John - I am the Gate (Adam Chiarelli)
In John 10, Jesus gives a teaching on the nature of a true shepherd, in response to the excommunication of the healed blind man by the Pharisees. In His teaching, He s...
The Gift of Repentance
(Following Jesus Pathway | Adam Chiarelli) Jesus is continually loving and leading us into maturity. His commands are for our formation into people of love. The gift o...
The Kingdom of God is Love
(Kingdom of God | Adam Chiarelli) Jesus commanded us to love each other the way He loves us. By this they will know we're His disciples; members of His family & Kingdo...
Growing in Affection for the Church
(Follow the Cloud | Adam Chiarelli) Jesus is the Head of the Church, His body. The Church is the Father's dream and plan to reveal Himself to the world. As participant...
Spring Retreat 2019: Living Sacrifice
(Saturday Morning | Adam Chiarelli) Pursuing worship in all of life begins with presenting ourselves to God, the all consuming fire. He refines us in His Presence as w...
Brokers of Joy
Advent 2018 | A teaching by Adam Chiarelli, "Brokers of Joy"